Y10 Mock Feedback

LO: TO consider how we can improve on our Language papers

Did you choose Narrative or Descriptive? Why?

How does planning for each of these differ?

EBI No. 1️⃣ - Plan, plan, PLAN

  • Those who performed the best were those who had planned their writing before they started
  • Those without plans tended to lose marks for organisation

Candidates did well when they had planned their responses... in advance of writing – considering both the ideas to be used and a logical route through their answer.

Examiner's Report 2022, Cambridge iGCSE

Plan a five bullet-point narrative OR descriptive response, entitled The Exam.

EBI No. 2️⃣ - Vary your sentences

The best writing requires variety: repeating the same sentence format over and over is very, very boring...

I went to the shops. The shops were very far away. I had to walk for a long time. I got to the shops at about 2 o'clock. The shop was closed.

Rewrite this paragraph, using the same number of sentences, but starting each sentence with a different word none of which can be "I" or "the"!

Use a comma in all of your sentences.

EBI No. 3️⃣ - Shift perspective

A straight-forward, chronological narrative, all from one perspective makes it very difficult to achieve high marks for structure.

Write one descriptive sentence of a forest, from each of these perspectives 🐜 🚶 🦅 ↗️

Bring them together into a paragraph.

Feedback and marks: caveats

  • You will get your grade in your report
  • These feedback sheets show you which areas you need to improve on
  • Level 3 is about the average for most of the criteria
  • If you got all Level 3s, you'd get roughly a Grade 5.

Holiday homework!

Redraft your answer, typing it up and sharing it with me, including comments of where you've made changes and improvements.

🗒️ How to add Comments on Word