Peripeteia |
A sudden change in fortune for the protagonist. |
Macbeth's peripeteia occurs when he learns that he has been made king. |
Hamartia |
A tragic flaw or mistake that leads to the downfall of the hero. |
Macbeth's hamartia could be argued to be his unchecked ambition. |
Anagnorisis |
A moment when the character makes a critical discovery. |
Macbeth's anagnorisis happens too late, as he realizes the witches deceived him. |
Dramatic irony |
When the audience knows something the characters do not. |
The audience experiences dramatic irony when the audience knows Macbeth is doomed, but he still believes in his invincibility. |
Aristotelian tragedy |
A form of drama that presents a serious story about human suffering. |
Macbeth is an Aristotelian tragedy, showcasing the hero's fall due to his flaws. |
Denouement |
The resolution or conclusion of the story following the climax. |
The denouement of Macbeth unfolds with his death and Malcolm's ascension to the throne. |
Catastrophe |
The final event in a tragedy leading to the hero's downfall. |
Macbeth's catastrophe occurs when the armies of Malcolm march on the castle. |
Hubris |
Excessive pride or self-confidence leading to a character's downfall. |
Macbeth's hubris leads him to reject the warnings of his fate, resulting in his demise. |