Preparing for the GLs

LO: To ensure we're ready for next week's GL tests

What can you remember from last year's GL tests?

Why do you think we do these tests?

Understanding the structure

You will have two long pieces of writing that you will read, and then answer questions about.

We will practice in this week's lessons. So don't panic!

PTE: Monday 27th May

(next week)

Extract: The Creature

The Creature is an extract from 'Knowledge of Angels' by Jill Paton Walsh, and is set in medieval times on a Mediterranean island.
It was warm in the shepherds' cave. The promised lamb was roasting on a spit; the bread the nevados had brought from the valley that morning was not yet rock hard. It felt like a holiday, but the old men were afraid.
'A large wolf,' Galceran insisted. He imagined himself felling it with a titanic blow from his snow spade and being acclaimed as the hero of the hour.

  1. Why is nevados in Italics?
  2. Which adjectives would describe Galceran?

'We can track it to its lair now the snow is lying here, said Old Luis. 'But we don't know what it is. We thought it best to get help.'
'At first light its time has come,' the nevados promised. 'Whatever it is.' They were strong men, and numbered nearly a dozen. In the warmth of the night cave, the mysterious creature could not have been too large for them, or too appalling. The hugest wolf that ever walked would have disappointed them.
In the morning the tracks were clear to see. The thing had taken another lamb in the night, as expected. About every three days it was raiding the flocks; but the night before last, when it had bitten through the net, it had left its prey behind. That it would be hungry was predictable. And though the shepherds had searched for it in vain for nearly the whole of their two weeks in the high pastures, the snowfall had entrapped the creature better than the net - it could be followed easily now.

Write a summary of what you think has happened leading up to the men meeting in the cave.