Welcome back Year 6 Year 7!

Write your Full name, Y7 English on your exercise book. Then, write the date and title.

Calculate your name's Scrabble score

Increasing our scores

Make sure you write out all your words like this so you can keep track.

2 1 3 1 1

Now, take your name score and Multiply it by the score of the country you were born in

Next, add the score of your favourite food

Write a sentence describing yourself, using the same number of letters as your total score.

📷 by frank mckenna

Warming up

Write a three sentence description of your summer, without using the letter E


Only one sentence can start with "I...”

Don't use the letters S or T either


Noun, thinking about the way we think.

I think Mr Bruges made us do that task because... It helps us to...

📷 by Ales Krivec

I remember when...

  • We had 125 lessons of English last year
  • That's more than 6,000 minutes of teaching!

With your partner, write down as many things as you can that you remember from last year

Rank them by importance or difficulty or enjoyment

📖 Reading vs. Writing 🖊️

To be a good writer, you need to... To be a good reader, you need to...

With your partner, brainstorm ideas to go into this table

Do you think we do enough of these things in school? What can you do at home instead?

📖 Reading vs. Writing 🖊️

To be a good writer, you need to... To be a good reader, you need to...
1. Read as much as possible 1. Practice by reading lots
2. Write about your passions 2. Be consistent
3. Pushing ourselves to use complex vocab 3. Read a varied range of books

With your partner, brainstorm ideas to go into this table

Do you think we do enough of these things in school? What can you do at home instead?


“Good artists copy. Great artists steal.”

Pablo Picasso

What did Picasso mean by this? How might it apply to our reading and writing?