Chapter 1

  • What is the name of Subhi’s sister?

  • Who says, ‘there are some people in the world who can see all the hidden bits and pieces of the universe’?

  • What has happened to the box that Subhi keeps his pictures in?

  • What is the name of Subhi’s best friend who lives in Family Tent Four?

  • Who are the ‘Jackets’?

  • What does Subhi’s mother tell him ‘never to look too closely at the food’ he is given?

  • Who is Subhi’s ‘ba’?

Chapter 2

  • What toy ‘keeps bobbing back up’ and ‘smiling’ in the pool?

  • What is distinctive about the ‘face’ of the toy?

  • What sort of bird does Subhi discover in the Family Three tent?

  • What is the presence of the bird said to mean?

  • Why is Subhi given a hug?